Monday, August 11, 2014

$200 bathroom makeover!

If you ask any realtor what sells a house it's kitchens and bathrooms. Why? Because they are so expensive to redo! So what do you do when you don't have money for a full bathroom remodel? Design on a Dime!

My kids bathroom was a hot mess:) Everything was original to the house in this bathroom. But luckily it is upstairs and most of our guest don't use this bathroom. Since we were already bleeding money with this house, what's another $200! So this is what we did!

1. Painted the bathroom. Paint works wonders!! We got rid of the angels stenciled on the walls and painted a pretty blue/grey on the walls. Tip- When painting a bathroom, it is best to use semi-gloss paint. It helps prevent mold growth. $10 1/2 of a can (I used the same color in my downstairs bathroom so it saved me money)
2. Rather than taking down the huge mirror over the sinks, I had my father cut crown molding and we stuck it on the mirror to frame it out. We used double sided foam tape. You can pick it up at any local hardware shop. The molding was already painted white so I didn't have to do anything to it. $10 molding and $5 tape.
3. Repainted the cabinets. Great way to give any bathroom a fresh look. Make sure the cabinets are clean before painting. You may even need to sand them before you paint. I used chalk paint on my cabinets so I didn't have to sand:) $0- had this paint from another project.
4. Spray painted all the hardware in the bathroom. You name it, I sprayed it! Faucets, cabinet hardware, and towel racks. Make sure you tape off everything really well with painters tape and cover ever thing too! Spray paint floats in the air and can ruin your counters and mirrors. The key to this is sanding down the metal really well before you paint. You want the paint to adhere to the metal. I used spray paint specifically for metal objects. Also, when using spray paint, it is better to do a very light coat first. Once dry, spray another light coat. Once the second coat is dry, do a third it needed. If you over spray on metal, it will run and look horrible!!!!( I have learned this the hard way- specifically on a towel rack) I painted everything almost 2 years ago and the paint still looks good! $5 spray paint can.
5. Flooring- I redid the floor with laminate floor squares. They are super easy to use. You peel and stick. The hardest part was going around the toilet since I didn't remove the toilet. Great thing is is that when you grout, and you should grout this, what ever gaps you have around the toilet will disappear! Once the floor was done, we put up baseboards. This is not difficult it just requires the right tools. You need a table saw and nail gun. $80 including flooring, baseboards and grout.
6. Lighting- We took down the pineapple light fixtures and put up some inexpensive but pretty light fixtures. They cost $100 for both.
7. Décor- Now I had white towels, a white shower curtain from my old house and some bathroom decorations. I bought a window curtain which cost $5 or so. I had the kids do some art work for the walls and I put the pictures in old frames I had. I got 2 white bathroom rugs at home goods for $10.

All in all this bathroom renovation cost me a little over $200 with the decorations. Not bad if you ask me!!!
 Before! BTW, the pictures are right before we moved in. The people still had a house full of junk even though no one had actually lived in the house for a year!
Bad flooring, gold fixtures, angels on the walls and pineapple lighting.
The shower was dirty but the tile was still in good shape. We still need to reglaze the tub but that is about $300 and we just haven't gotten to it yet.

 Outdate faucet.
 Bad lighting and horrible stenciling.

I started in the closet with the flooring and worked through the room. Once done, we put up baseboard.
After! Huge difference but not a lot of money spent!
Daytime view. Just love the wall color!
No one sees the tub except my cute children, so reglazing will wait!

So I told you I used the same color in my powder room downstairs, well this is it! Extra bang for my buck!!!!

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