Friday, March 6, 2015

One of a Kind Dresser!

So I was trolling on an antiques facebook page one day and stumbled upon this gorgeous dresser. It was something I hadn't seen before and I knew I had to have it. It sat untouched for a few weeks, until a friend texted me curious if I had any dressers for her step daughter. I sent her the picture of it and they loved it. They liked a piece at Pier One but it was much smaller. They asked it I could do something similar regarding the same color and distressed look. Of course I can!! That is the beauty of making your own chalk paint!!! You can paint anything in any color you want! Here is what I did!

Gorgeous detail and hardware!

 The look my friend wanted was cream and light grey/blue with some distressing to expose a natural wood color. After examining this dresser, I realized that the dresser itself was made of wood but the front of the drawers were made of a plastic face that was glued on. This meant there would be no distressed look on the front.

So I went to the next game plan- add dark wax to create an aged look on the plastic and lightly distress the frame.

Using 2/3 flat latex paint and 1/3 calcium carbonate mixed with warm water (make sure you sift the calcium carbonate first into a cup and then add a dash of warm water, stir until thick but movable consistency, then add paint), I made light cream and grey/blue chalk paint. I painted the entire piece including the hardware light cream. Next I "dry brushed" the drawer fronts and hardware with grey/blue chalk paint. DIY Tip- "Dry Brushing" is when you dip your brush in paint, then wipe off as much paint as you can with a paper towel and then paint. I also took a wet rag and wiped off some of the grey/blue paint until I got a look I was happy with. I let it dry overnight.

The next day I lightly sanded the frame with 220 grit sandpaper. Using Annie Sloan clear wax, I put a nice even coat on the entire piece. Using a small paint brush, Annie Sloan dark wax and microfiber rag, I accented all the detail and hardware. DIY Tip- Accenting with dark wax takes practice. Add and take off wax until you get a look you like. The dark wax dries fast, so if you put too much on, just put some clear wax over it and wipe up. The dark wax will pull back up.

This is the finished product! My friend was beyond happy!!!

Happy Painting!!! :)